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Dii abandoned Siemens, Bosch absorbed into the new shareholders of State Grid


The world's largest state-owned Utility Companies China China State Grid Corp(SGCC) has joined the desert science and technology industrial action plan(Dii).

Through its subsidiaries China Research Electric Power Research Institute,China China State Grid Corp will become a shareholder in Dii, Dii's mission is to explore the world desert regions of solar and wind energy potential.

Yao Liangzhong, vice president Chinese Electric Power Research Institute,said: "one of the strategic focus areas Chinese China State Grid Corp is a global allocation of renewable energy. In this framework, Chinese China State Grid Corp is very keen to seek opportunity, effectively contribute to the future between countries and continents transmission expansion project."

"We think that Dii is a unique alliance with a good reputation, will be the integration of renewable energy into the desert area interconnected powersystem."

And China China State Grid Corp partnership will enable Dii to draw moresatisfactory full stop for this year. In July, controversy prompted Dii andDesertec foundation division, the latter is the first non-profit organizationbehind the concept of renewable energy utilization potential of desert regions.Dii had also lost many of the other shareholders, including Siemens(Siemens) and Bosch (Bosch).

The agency also abandoned its initial efforts to obtain 20% from the relationship with Africa northern large solar and wind energy project inEuropean power supply target.

Dii chief executive PaulvanSonn said, through the whole of Europe and the Middle East and North Africa long distance HVDC transmission, and ChinaChina State Grid Corp alliance will enable Dii to obtain the "great synergies".

VanSonn said: "China China State Grid Corp decided that as a new shareholders, strengthen our international industry plan, we feel very honored. I warmly welcome the Chinese China State Grid Corp owned research institutes under the respected China Electric Power Research Institute andother companies, for the full range of experience we plan contributiontransmission and renewable energy technologies.

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